translation, interpreting, productivity Josh Goldsmith translation, interpreting, productivity Josh Goldsmith

Make Invoicing and Project Management A Breeze with

Everyone loves getting paid.

But…invoicing and tracking expenses can be a drag!

While a range of invoicing tools like FreshBooks or Xero are available on the market, they’re not ideal for language professionals. Want to bill by the word, charge different rates based on language or subject, and easily track rates, income and expenses for each client – all from a single program?

Enter, a web-based tool designed by and for translators to seamlessly manage projects, quotes, invoices and more!

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Zoom hacks for teaching translation and interpreting

If you’re teaching online, odds are you’re using Zoom. But are you using its full potential?

In this article, I’ll reveal my favorite Zoom hacks for teaching translation and interpreting online. From advanced sharing and annotation features to using your cell phone as a document camera, even experienced users will pick up a trick or two!

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AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith

How to use AI-powered search in Google Gemini for translation and interpreting

Ever tried asking ChatGPT about current affairs?

If so, you probably realized that ChatGPT is clueless about recent events.

Good news: Google’s AI-powered search engine isn’t!

In this article, we’ll look at Google Bard, an AI-powered tool to quickly get the gist of a topic and pull together a glossary – complete with images!

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AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith

5 clever ways to use Notion AI to prepare for a translation or interpreting assignment

Preparation is essential for every translation or interpreting assignment. But it’s also time-intensive!

Luckily, smart tools that leverage Artificial Intelligence can help you prepare faster.

Check out this blog post to discover 5 clever ways to use Notion AI for preparation!

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AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith AI, terminology, translation, interpreting Josh Goldsmith

9 ways to use Artificial Intelligence in Readwise Reader to prepare for your next assignment

Artificial Intelligence tools – especially ChatGPT – are taking the world by storm.

How can translators and interpreters make the most of them to streamline preparation?

In this article, I’ll show you 9 different ways to use Readwise Reader to summarize documents, simplify texts, get useful definitions, translate text, extract terms and information, and even “ask a document a question” to speed up your preparation.

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AI, interpreting, translation, Internet safety Josh Goldsmith AI, interpreting, translation, Internet safety Josh Goldsmith

Confidentiality for translators and interpreters in the age of AI

Speech recognition, artificial intelligence, and other computer-assisted tools can save us time, improve quality and boost productivity.

But... what about confidentiality?

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how leading terminology, speech recognition and other AI tools for interpreters address confidentiality and data protection.

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interpreting, note-taking, speech recognition, software Josh Goldsmith interpreting, note-taking, speech recognition, software Josh Goldsmith

Cymo Note: Speech recognition meets automated note-taking

Is note-taking the bane of every interpreter’s existence? For many of us, it sure is. What if there were a way to “automate” the whole thing?

Enter Cymo Note, a tool that combines a running transcription (highlighting key terms and figures) with a virtual notepad.

Check out this very short demo of Cymo Note.

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terminology, software, interpreting, translation Josh Goldsmith terminology, software, interpreting, translation Josh Goldsmith

How to use Sketch Engine to extract terminology from a document or parallel texts in just a few clicks

Ever received a hundred-page document and needed to find the key terms for your assignment – without reading the whole thing? 🤯

Or found a document and its translation, and wished you could use technology to automatically extract the key terminology from both versions?

You can!

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interpreting, remote collaboration, online meetings Josh Goldsmith interpreting, remote collaboration, online meetings Josh Goldsmith

How bad sound led to tinnitus and hyperacusis: An interpreter's journey

In March 2022, I was diagnosed with hyperacusis and tinnitus due to poor sound from interpreting.

Six months later, I am now well on the path to recovery.

Today, I'd like to share my journey with you. I hope it will help you stay safe. If you face something similar, know that treatment is available, and that you are not alone.

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interpreting, terminology, practice and feedback Josh Goldsmith interpreting, terminology, practice and feedback Josh Goldsmith

6 Tips to Study for the European Union’s Interpreting Accreditation Test

Do you dream of interpreting for the European Parliament, the Commission, or the Court of Justice?

You probably know you need to pass the EU accreditation test first!

Read on to learn more about the test and discover our top tips to become accredited with the European institutions.

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Ten easy tips for great online meetings

At the end of the day, having the right internet connection, gear, and a quiet work environment only get you so far.

To go beyond that, you have to teach your clients to help you.

We recommend sharing best practices with your clients – and luckily, we’ve put these together for you!

Download our one-pager with 10 easy tips for great online meetings!

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translation, interpreting, productivity, terminology Josh Goldsmith translation, interpreting, productivity, terminology Josh Goldsmith

How to digitize your paper glossaries

Do you have tons of paper notes and glossaries floating around after your interpreting assignments?

Perhaps you've jotted down key terms you want to remember, or a colleague has given you a photocopy of their precious word list.

Instead of keeping those paper glossaries in a drawer somewhere or throwing them out, wouldn't it be great to hang on to all that valuable knowledge?

In this blog post, I’ll share tips to help you make the most of your paper glossaries. 🤩

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interpreting, speech recognition, hardware, subtitling Josh Goldsmith interpreting, speech recognition, hardware, subtitling Josh Goldsmith

SightConsec: Use automatic speech recognition to improve your consecutive interpreting

Check out this interview with Lilia Pino Blouin about her experience with a new hybrid interpreting technique, SightConsec.

In this technique, the interpreter uses automatic speech recognition to transcribe speech in real time, then interprets from the transcription when the speaker pauses.

Read on to learn more about Lilia’s experience with this exciting new technique - or check out the video of our interview!

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